Mindful Strategies to Support Gestalt Language Processors

Language development is a fascinating journey, and for Gestalt Language Processors (GLPs), it can be a unique and enriching experience. As caregivers, educators, therapists, or individuals interacting with GLPs, we have a profound impact on their linguistic growth and overall communication skills. In this blog post, we will explore five valuable tips to effectively support the language development of GLPs. These tips are designed to create an inclusive and nurturing environment that encourages natural language acquisition. From embracing authenticity in every interaction to being mindful of our words, curiously exploring their world, and acknowledging our own emotions, these tips will pave the way for meaningful connections that foster language growth and strengthen our relationships with GLPs.

Tip #1: Be authentic during each interaction

Being authentically you in your interactions with GLPs will facilitate connection. Embrace your unique personality and communication style. Don't be afraid to show enthusiasm, use humor, or share your genuine emotions. When you are true to yourself, it creates a comfortable and welcoming environment for the GLP, allowing them to feel more at ease and open in their communication with you. Remember, it's important to take off your metaphorical 'mask' when engaging with GLPs. Avoid putting on a facade or pretending to be someone you're not. Instead, let your true self shine through and encourage an atmosphere of authenticity and acceptance.

Don't be afraid to show enthusiasm, use humor, or share your genuine emotions. When you are true to yourself, it creates a comfortable and welcoming environment for the GLP, allowing them to feel more at ease and open in their communication with you.

Remember, it's important to take off your metaphorical 'mask' when engaging with GLPs. Avoid putting on a facade or pretending to be someone you're not. Instead, let your true self shine through and encourage an atmosphere of authenticity and acceptance.

Tip #2: Be mindful of the words you choose

Gestalts are sometimes acquired by a GLP when something they hear in their environment reflects exactly what they want to say.

Other times, gestalts are acquired from media because they are linked to a meaningful experience for the child.

The bottom line is, we can never know what language chunks our GLPs will pick up and use as a script or gestalt. Try and always be mindful of your language.

Tip #3: Be curious without being inquisitive

Gestalts have meaning for GLPs. At the earlier stages of natural language acquisition, gestalts are often not literal. We may need to do detective work to find out what a certain gestalt means. Look to the GLP's favorite movies, books, and tv shows for clues.

Remember that GLPs are generally not ready to answer questions until they are producing self-generated language (Stages 4 and above). If you don't know what a gestalt means, acknowledge the GLP's communication by smiling, nodding, and repeating it back to them. You can also use "how about" statements. For example instead of saying "do you want more?" you can model "how about some more?"

Tip #4: Be truthful about your own feelings

Caregivers, educators, and therapists are people, first and foremost. There may be times we feel stressed, sad, or frustrated when interacting with a GLP, and hiding these feelings can be detrimental to authentic connection.

We want our communication to come from our hearts, focus on narrating and commenting, and include declarative language.

We can and should share our feelings by talking about how our bodies feel using interoceptive language (e.g., "my heart feels heavy," "my brain is buzzing").

Tip #5: Be kind to yourself and to the GLP

Communication breakdowns are inevitable and can be extremely frustrating for everyone involved. Remember that we are all communicating to the best of our abilities with the tools available to us!

If gestalt language processing and natural language acquisition are new to you, go easy on yourself. You may think you sound unnatural or inauthentic in your interactions with the GLP, you may not feel confident, or you may accidentally revert to modeling single words before realizing your mistake.

No matter what, keep on practicing kindness!

In conclusion, supporting the language development of GLPs requires a blend of empathy, understanding, and a willingness to learn from their unique communication journey. By applying the five essential tips we've explored in this blog post, we can create an environment that fosters their linguistic growth and nurtures their self-expression. Being authentic in our interactions not only establishes trust but also encourages GLPs to communicate openly and comfortably. By carefully choosing our words and being mindful of their responses, we pave the way for more meaningful exchanges that promote language acquisition.

Curiosity, without being intrusive, allows us to uncover the hidden meanings behind their gestalt language. As we respect their pace of development and refrain from pushing them into answering questions prematurely, we respect their autonomy and encourage the natural progression of their language skills.

Additionally, acknowledging and expressing our own feelings during interactions demonstrates vulnerability and encourages connection. By fostering kindness towards ourselves and the GLP, we create a safe space for language exploration and mitigate the frustrations that communication breakdowns may bring.

As we embrace these five valuable tips, we become active participants in the language development journey of GLPs, leaving a lasting positive impact on their lives. Each interaction becomes an opportunity for growth, understanding, and connection, where language thrives and barriers dissipate. Let us walk hand-in-hand with GLPs, celebrating their unique language processing abilities and supporting them with authenticity, compassion, and patience every step of the way.

If you’re interested in an easy and fun way to share this information with others (caregivers, parents, colleagues, other professionals, etc.), check out our downloadable handout, available now in our shop!


Measuring and Tracking Communication Development in Gestalt Language Processors